Kids grow out of many things. Clothes, toys, habits. But one thing they may not grow out of is obstructive sleep apnea. While some children indeed do grow out of childhood obstructive sleep apnea, many others do not, and this can have repercussions that follow them into their teen years and beyond. This was the topic of a recent study published in the journal JAMA Cardiology.It seems that some children with obstructive sleep apnea will develop high blood pressure or other cardiovascular problems in their teen years. Whether this is because of the obstructive sleep apnea itself or has more to do with underlying problems such as obesity remains to be seen, but the findings are concerning to researchers.It is also interesting to note that higher instances of high blood pressure occurred in teenage boys than in teenage girls.Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when the airway becomes obstructed as the sleeper is in the reclined position. This causes labored breathing and the stop and start of breathing repeatedly throughout the night. In adults, sleep apnea has been found to cause depression, cognitive impairment, and lethargy during the day. It also has been found to worsen serious medical conditions like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke.This is why it’s important to take obstructive sleep apnea in children very seriously and to seek treatment for this disorder. Don’t just hope it will resolve itself with time. There are several safe options for children who have sleep apnea, which Dr. Peterson will be happy to discuss with you. Additionally, treating other issues present in children is also of the utmost importance. Speak with your doctor if your child is obese or overweight, or if they have high blood pressure.If you suspect your child may have sleep apnea but aren’t sure, please inquire with Dr. Peterson about conducting a sleep study that can screen your child for obstructive sleep apnea.Finally, if you believe you or another adult may have sleep apnea, reach out to Dr. Peterson, too. Dr. Peterson offers custom sleep orthotics which position the airway open as you sleep, eliminating the need for CPAP therapy.